Wednesday, September 10, 2014

CCR/DW 09-10-14: mega-Tiara

TO:  CCR Tweet-less:

Here’s what you recently missed by not following: 
Dylan Westie   @DylanWestie1  on Twit-er.

Even the fog of her UK jet lag will not prevent QueenB from pimping her faux tax rate decrease @ Thurs. p.m. CC mtg. Tell her NO at:


PostScript: As QueenB VD flies in from her junket to the UK to attend the city council meeting Thursday evening, she will preside with a new tiara purchased in London.  Her last tiara wasn’t large enough to fit properly and it got in the way when flipping her mane at wayward Pet Rocks.
     The major item on the council agenda will be to establish the tax rate for the 2014-15 city budget.  The queen’s insistence to lower the tax rate is a political ploy designed to appease her Tea sipping pals.  It has nothing to do with good or responsible government. (And this coming from a conservative!)
     Damage to the city’s present and future infrastructure, water and sewer needs/repairs and protective services of police and fire will end up costing tax payers considerably more in the next three to four years if the tax rate is reduced.
     Unless you advise your elected officials (Pet Rocks primarily), be prepared to pay higher taxes than expected next year.  And when you do, be sure to thank QueenB VD!