Sunday, October 23, 2011

BS #47: Drunken Spells?

BlogSpasm #47...October 24, 2011

Billy Bob’s Boondoggle, otherwise know as the Entertainment Center project, appears to be bubbling to the surface again. Since the agreement with his LCG is up for review by the city council in December, BBBs folks are planning another assault on the city council’s intelligence at their 10-27-11 work session.

What may not be discussed or confirmed at this gathering is: Does BBBs group have a new ‘stealth’ consultant on the payroll? We all remember how the former mayor was the head cheerleader for Billy Bob and Charles Cotton during his term. Has the former mayor now parlayed all his slick, glib and fanciful rhetoric into non-political capitalistic bents? After all, he was Billy Bob’s ‘chosen son’ in the mayoral race with donations of nearly $1 million bucks.

The main question could be: Will all the council members under the former mayor’s voodoo financing spell and Kool-Aid drinking binges still align themselves with this floundering project? Also, has the BBB group secured their $200 million share for this venture?

…………..Mark Holbrook