Sunday, September 29, 2013

CCRs dwT #40: Forget Botox

Dylan sez…
(a short and timely jotting for CCR twits Tweeters)


dwT #40: When the sun sets Monday, the Tommy Gonzalez regime will enter Irving’s history book as one highly characterized by fear/loathing and unanswered fiscal mismanagement questions that were bundled together with a short string of arguable recognitions designed to fluff a resume beyond belief.  Should staff of the CCR thank Gonzalez for a last great act of defiance by providing custom designed uniforms for the city’s Health Board members?    

     Backstory clue for the information impaired:   Yes, the sighs of relief will be heard beyond the city’s borders as the city manager’s last day of full employment tolls.  While there will not be dancing in the council chambers, many will be walking around city hall with expressions that make them appear to have had Botox injections that implanted a permanent smile on their faces.

     The new ‘fabricated’ uniforms suggested for Health Board members (khaki pants, brown shirts and red arm bands) -- that the city manager could have implemented as a parting shot and another dousing of poison in the well -- will certainly distinguish these board members as they toil to close businesses and restrict freedom loving folks from carrying out lawful enterprises.  The attempt by mayor BVD and her twit compadres (LaMorgese and Farris) to railroad a total ban on smoking in restaurants and Irving’s bingo parlor was recently thwarted.  The proposed changes in the city’s smoking ordinance by the Health Board circumvented the regular review processes of the Planning and Zoning commission and somehow went directly to the council.  Fearing a failed vote on the measure, mayor BVD appointed a “committee” to review the draconian measure submitted by the city’s Health Board.  The issue will be revisited when it is returned to the a date not yet specified.  Hopefully, saner council heads will allow any proposed changes in the smoking ordinance to continue to permit legitimate businesses to function as they have under the current smoking ordinance.  After all, when penultimate boards issue directives that impinge on or dictate against the majority will, then the general public is being mugged by a monocracy.

     CCR Suggestion: The city council should give the interim city manager full reign and the ability to correct or right any of the seedy issues left with Gonzalez’s departure.  This should include any promotion of his cronies or unscheduled pay increases for any employee in the last four months.  Those personnel issues should be put on hold and reviewed by the interim city manager before implementation is approved or finalized.  Sure, this might ruffle a few feathers, but it will be the only way to ensure that cronyism hasn’t replaced genuine merit and proven abilities.  This will also eliminate possible bad seeds from germinating before a new and permanent city manager is hired. 

     And while suggesting things, isn’t it time that the 4th floor Gonzalez-bunker be dismantled, thereby allowing staff and the public full access in their city hall?  

A note from counsel: Some “Tweets” from Dylan Westie have been injected with fabricated nouns, verbs, adjectives, conjunctions, adverbs, modifiers and maybe a few dangling participles….Mark Holbrook