Friday, June 2, 2017

CCR 06-02-17 The Whiny Boy Tour

the   Controversial  Committee   Report
“We don’t raise sacred cows...we just butcher them.”

“ The Whiny Boy Tour”

   Well, dear readers, it just had to happen.  

   In two short days after pulling the worst political stunt, designed to create havoc on the floor of the Texas State legislature, Matt “Squeaky” “Douche Bag”  “Whiny Boy” Rinaldi is making the rounds to safe/friendly Red Meat TEA-carnivore media providers to shape-shift the narrative of his witless and immature actions.

   Rinaldi’s efforts to “set the record straight” appear to be fashioned from the same mold as a former presidential candidate who seems to now be on a lifetime “excuses tour.”

   Yes, Rinaldi would have you believe he is now the victim of all the hate, discontent, and resentment he created shortly after the legislature passed SB 4 — related to sanctuary cities.  In fact, he has had law enforcement providing him with protection services as a result of his witless actions.  (Is this why Rinaldi now qualifies for the Witless Protection Program?)

   Victim?  Hardly!  How can he be the victim when he created the Torofeca storm which ensued?  Aren’t the victims Hispanic House members and the gallery crowd he spoke disparaging about?  Aren’t the victims Irving constituents who would hope their elected representative could act like a mature adult while on the floor of the Texas legislature?

   Let’s break it down —  Rinaldi’s actions, which verged on typical schoolyard bullying and taunting, unleashed the following on the House floor:

   He was deliberately interfering with the legislative process on the House floor.
   He goaded the Hispanic delegation by informing them he had contacted ICE on the “illegal” demonstrators.*
   He broke the decorum of the House floor by not requesting Capitol security to address any gallery crowd issue.
   He discovered that taunting and goading his State representative peers had repercussions when his mouth was moving faster than what his brain synapses were firing.
   He eventually “self-identified” the dynamics of this “he said/he said” antic to coincide with his “self-defense” mantra.  (Late and very weak rationale?)
   His actions have, once again, made Irving the laughing stock of the nation.  (Remember HB 562 which he pushed, promoted and pimped?)
   He serves a narrow-minded and marginal constituency, while posing as a State legislator, which has no compulsions in spreading fear and intimidation against those who might disagree politically.
   His being birthed in Connecticut proves his Texan, as a ‘second language,’ is not in tune with how real Texans manage civil debate and discussions. 

   In one of his radio interviews, Rinaldi was still extremely vague in his responses as to what ensued and what was actually said.  It appeared his short-term memory lapsed, as to remembering actual details, for the comments made to a Hispanic representative.

   The only response, Rinaldi had extreme clarity on, was his typical legal ambulance-chasing-screed kicking-in to invoke a “self-defense” mantra for creating the Torofeca storm in Austin.

   Rinaldi has also concluded the legislature might require a special session.  Of course, a special session would be to promote, push and pimp the ‘where can I pee’ bathroom bill all over again.

   One has to wonder: Will Rinaldi call the Better Business Bureau, on the list of corporate executives who are protesting and have written State legislators, ratting those individuals out?  After all, they are against the implementation of the absurd and senseless Red Meat TEA-carnivore measure of “where can I pee” bill he favors?  

   Will he shut down all but one bathroom in the State capitol so a Texas Ranger can monitor who enters the loo?

   Yes, dear readers, Rinaldi is your Irving State representative.  Are you still proud?  Is this really what Irving deserves from their elected representative?

   Just remember, if your political stance is contrary to Matt “Whiny Boy” Rinaldi’s Red Meat TEA-carnivore position you could be reported to ICE, BBB, IRS, NASA, CIA, or Taco Bell. 

   After all, “Big  Little Brother” does not tolerate differing or conflicting opinions very well.  ¿Me entiendes?

……………………………..Mark Holbrook
   * Update:  In the 05-30-17 CCR report, the following was noted.
“Being the typical politician that he is, Rinaldi’s fact fabrication was not even factual.  ICE has confirmed they were not called by Rinaldi, plus they would not attempt to enforce immigration issues in such a public place as the State capitol. 

   ICE has recently re-reported that they did, in fact, receive a call from Rinaldi on their national tip line.  Apparently, Rinaldi doesn’t have the local Austin ICE officer number on his iPhone’s quick call list.  Or maybe, he used the national tip line number knowing no action would be processed quickly and he could skate out of Austin before his Torofeca storm blanketed the city.
   The link to the ICE re-statement by WFAA-TV is: