Saturday, February 5, 2011

BS #10: Flapping Lips

BlogSpasm #10...February 5, 2011

The staff of the CCR doesn’t know what to believe. We are very familiar with the old adage of how to tell if a politician is’s if his lips are moving. The following blurb is from a Dallas Morning News article posted on the Internet:

[Lance Cpl. David Hawkins of Colleyville is going to the Super Bowl. So is Sgt. Jessica Caldwell of Colorado. They and 38 other elated Marines of the Wounded Warrior Battalion have free tickets thanks to Cleveland Browns owner Randy Lerner. He donates 40 tickets every year to the unit.

The Marines arrived Thursday and headed to the Irving Convention Center for a welcoming dinner of Texas barbecue. Each Marine was recognized and received a triangular-framed flag from Irving Mayor Herbert Gears.

"This is the first time I've missed a City Council meeting in my 13 years of service to the city," Gears told the crowd. "But I had to miss it for this."]

So the question becomes: Lie, Misstatement or Misquoted? Since the mayor recently missed a meeting where Councilwoman Cannaday had to preside, did his illness that evening erase a part of his short-term memory? Wouldn’t the official city records reflect other times when the mayor was absent from a council meeting? Was his statement to the Wounded Warriors an attempt to gain favor for his huge “sacrifice” that evening?

We know what we think about this blatant flapping of the mayor’s lips. What’s your take?

……………….Mark Holbrook

A reader sez:

“Not important. Don’t care. Could have been misquoted or could have inadvertently misstated intended comment. It was a good event. He should have gone.” Anonymous

We Say:

Our view is that anyone knowingly making a false statement intending to gain favor, advantage or something of value reveals a dark side of character and a lightness of moral strength. MH