Sunday, November 13, 2011

BS #50: Historic Aneurism

BlogSpasm #50...November 13, 2011

It’s not often, but sometimes when sitting in front of the blank screen of a MacBook, staff of the CCR can experience one of those ‘what the #@%* aneurisms.’ And boy, do they hurt! They drain all sense of logic, understanding and the ability to make heads from tails.

This was the case recently when discovering Irving’s Capo of the Lubbock Mafia quest to “McDougalize” another area of the city by boarding up one of its early landmarks. A landmark that is still standing -- the old city hall/fire station.

Granted, the facility is in need of extensive repairs. Granted, there has been much discussion as to when and how to treat this relic. However, the tides seem to have washed over all reasonable discussions as Irving firemen are now being forced to vacate the facility, locks are being changed and the building is going to be boarded up. What?

Added to all the mystery, no rationale explanation or hint of the buildings fate is being discussed by the Capo’s crew. While there appears to be a study that might address this facility in the Heritage District, the wraps on this report are tighter than grandma’s dentures. How is that possible? What happened to the concept of sharing with all those involved in the development of the Heritage District? Who doesn’t want citizens to know what is going on? Does the report detail possibilities that do not coincide with the Capo’s vision of how he wants the downtown area to be developed?

A financial caveat exists in that there also might be about $500,000 remaining in the Preservation and Redevelopment board budget derived from hotel/motel taxes. Wouldn’t the restricted use of these funds be appropriate for turning the building into a tourist attraction or mini-museum? If these funds are not used on the building, then what disposition will be made of them?

Does the Capo have his own plans -- in conjunction with McDougalville aspirations -- for the site that he is not prepared to share at this time? Is raising the building a consideration?

Before the Capo’s next performance review session, council members should ask themselves: Does the city belong to the Capo or the citizens?

…………..Mark Holbrook