Tuesday, September 3, 2013

BS #64 from the CCR

BlogSpasm #64
    1) Staff of the CCR was heartened to know that they were not the only one driving around town without a front license plate (dwT #34).  Responses to this posting were received from those with custom, restored cars to individuals who used the front plate holder to hang their fraternity affiliation plate.  And similar to staff of the CCR, they were ticked...to put it mildly and politely.  Especially, when they realized that the politico responsible for authoring this creeping governmental intrusion, that included a $200 fine, was none other than Irving’s state representative, Harper-Brown.  This makes the score: Lobbyist 1, Citizens 0.
     2)  In dwT #33, staff of the CCR questioned wannabe-mayor Cannaday’s appearance before the Dallas city council protesting opposition to gas well drilling on property located in Dallas.  Irving property was not in this zoning case being considered for drilling.  (Her appearance was not sponsored or approved by the Irving city council even though she was noted as being a member of the council at the Dallas meeting.)  A three page screed (in 18-pt. type) was received in response to the report that basically avoided the actual points noted in the Tweet.  The missive addressed how to make a watch when only the time was noted in the report.  The time, according to the e-mail received, was: Twenty after the political drivel hour. 
     3)  Staff of the CCR is prepared to report that after describing (dwT #32) the city manager’s “green” hole -- otherwise known as the new library building site -- the city (or someone) was responsible for cutting and trimming all the weeds for compliance with the established ordinance governing such unsightly sights.  Thanks city staff! 
     Remember, your e-mail anonymity is maintained when responding to CCR reports.  And time permitting, we even responded to some of your notes.  Thanks for reading and sharing the reports with others in your circle of friends and associates.  
     Parting Thought: “The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.” Dante´Alighieri, “The Divine Comedy”

    …………………………….Mark Holbrook