Tuesday, September 17, 2013

CCRs dwT #37: The Second Coming?

Dylan sez…
(a short and timely jotting for CCR twits Tweeters)


dwT #37: The ‘community forums’ soliciting particulars on what a new IISD superintendent should bring to the table, if hired, are going swimmingly well?  The range of specifics and desires recently noted may have progressed from the ridiculous to the sublime by many who might not know the difference between a stethoscope or C-SCOPE. 

Backstory clue for the information impaired:  Part of the headhunter’s superintendent-search agenda and process is to collect data necessary to provide a report for when the top candidates are presented to the entire board for consideration.  While staff of the CCR believe this could be important, there is a small glitch.  Asking a plethora of individuals who have little experience or knowledge of school district operations to identify qualifications for a superintendent of a rather large district is akin to asking your A/C technician to calculate the net long term loss on your recent sale of a portfolio stock.  Many of the comments, expressed in public forums, should be “givens” for a potential superintendent.  Examples: Integrity (like the board would consider hiring an ex-con); understands teachers’ needs (meaning the super would stay out of his office and visit the trenches to assist teachers with teaching and discipline issues);  Would make decisions based on facts and not what is politically expedient (in other words, back teachers and principals...not those who speak the longest and loudest at board meetings); Works well with all groups of employees (surely, a card carrying member of Common Dreams would not be at the top of the headhunter’s list for Irving); doesn’t need to be a PhD to be a superintendent (being a ‘Post hole Digger’ really isn’t germane to managing personnel and finances of a school district).

     While staff of the CCR wishes the board success in their selection process, we would like to add the following to the list of characteristics or traits that the new superintendent might possess or agree to: Is not currently being sued by parties from their old district; No complaints of sexual harassment have been lodged at their previous postings;  Has already gone through the ‘mid-life crisis’ cycle; Did not resign from their previous job and float back to earth with a golden parachute; Would be willing to take a polygraph exam if asked by the board to ensure veracity when dealing with sticky personnel/policy issues; Would not be wanting to hire former staff members to insulate themselves from current IISD employees; Believes that ‘greening’ the district involves astute financing and only necessary expenditures...not just buying special light bulbs; Knows, understands and follows the Texas laws relative to the Open Meetings Act;  Recognizes that there are seven members of the IISD board and not become involved, or indirectly collaborating to advocate for any candidate in a local school board or city election; Recognize that the district does not need any form of a new bond issue for voter consideration; Not a former reserve military officer who believes they are running a platoon of raw recruits instead of professional personnel/staff; and finally, not wanting to be ‘best buddy’ with any local group or organization who would want to tap into IISD financial resources for bucks shuffled to their operation or concern.

For details and real facts, see: DMN, Avi Selk, 09-13-13 at...

A note from counsel: Some “Tweets” from Dylan Westie have been injected with fabricated nouns, verbs, adjectives, conjunctions, adverbs, modifiers and maybe a few dangling participles….Mark Holbrook