Monday, December 31, 2018

CCR 12-31-18 Dylan's New Year Message

the   Controversial  Committee   Report
“We don’t raise sacred cows...we just butcher them.”

“Happy New Year” 

Dylan Westie   

   For all those who have already flushed 2018 down the porcelain latrine, my wish is that 2019 will provide you with a year that is filled with promise, harmony, and an outlook which even surpasses your expectations.

   Of course, the road to happiness is paved with good intentions, sharing with those who need assistance, and plenty of BaconBits.  Spread the joy of making the New Year start off on a positive note…especially, this is wished for the US Congress.

   Isn’t it time to bury the political divide in D.C. and ensure all citizens of our great country are protected in these turbulent times?

   In 2019, staff of the CCR will continue to inform you on how you can at least address the issues which affect ‘beautiful downtown Irving.’  Only together, without compromising long held principles, can the city reach the goal of being all that it should be.  And this means citizens come first…not special interest concerns, crony capitalist with their hands out for your tax bucks, or campaign donors with strings tied to the voting arms of council members.

   While looking forward to my fifteenth year (105 dog years) of being the Executive editor/Part-time wordsmith and Social Media Troll for the CCR, the future is bright, but the need for brighter politicos is even more necessary.

Happy 2019…………………Dylan Westie

Ringtail Productions Limited
    LAWYER STUFF:  Dylan’s Ruffings, the Controversial Committee Report, ZAP! and the O-file are published by Mark Holbrook who everyone knows -- except for a couple apathetic slugs whose IQ equals their shoe size -- is Mike Howard.  Any reference to persons deceased is purely out of respect.  For those still living, draw your own conclusions.  Get in line if you want to sue or complain.  Better yet, call someone who might really care.  Letters written must meet at least one of the following criteria: humorous, cat kicking, or not libelous.  Simple requirements for simple readers...that’s our philosophy.  “Cool and the Geezer” is syndicated by Ringtail Productions Limited and all rights are reserved.  The CCR and ZAP! are printed and issued only when local political idiocy becomes laughable.  Permission is granted to copy, fax, or e-mail this report to a friend, associate, or someone you really don’t like.  The “candid” conversation reports have been injected with fabricated nouns, verbs, conjunctions, adverbs, modifiers and maybe a few dangling participles. All previous reports, butchered sacred cows and blog responses are posted at: 
First “cat kicked” in 1984       Contact:       December 31, 2018