Thursday, October 9, 2014

CCR/DW 10-09-14: Rocks of Ineptness

TO:  CCR Tweet-less:

Here’s what you recently missed by not following: 
Dylan Westie   @DylanWestie1  on Twit-er.

"Irving: The Stone Age Has Nothing On Us!" QueenB (Irving mayor) & her Pet Rocks squashed deal with ARK for boutique hotel. Sad & brainless!


PostScript:  Staff of the CCR would like to offer our extreme apologies to the ARK development group.  While we might have assumed at one time Irving had a competent city council, tonight’s vote on the boutique hotel issue proved otherwise.  

   If only the lab results, for the testing the CCR was performing, had been returned prior to the council meeting.  Now knowing the results of these test, we could have asked the Center for Disease Control to quarantine QueenB VD and her Pet Rock contingency. 

   The CCRs lab reported there is no gray matter in a Pet Rock’s cranium!  Couple this with the possible spiking of the queen’s NPD, AHD, PPP and J&HD undiagnosed-conditions and you have a recipe for a pandemic of incompetence.  And the four Pet Rocks and QueenB VD proved this tonight.

   With QueenB VDs anti-ARK and Entertainment Center grudge-psychosis (not my developer ideal, not a good deal) leading the way, Irving is now poised to undo all the good previous mayors and councils have instituted for citizens over the years.  Potential developers, who may want to do business with the city, will look at the clown act the queen led her Pet Rocks to participate in and wonder how five individuals could be so pathetic regarding the improvement of the city.

   And once again, LaMorgese had trouble breathing, considering his nose placement, as he regurgitated QueenB VDs talking points in a faux lawyer tone.  (If he could only learn to utter his own words.)  Farris, Ward and Spink were mum on the topic before the vote.  Probably, they thought if they didn’t enter the discussion fray, then citizens might not discover they were part of the contingency to kill this boutique hotel project…a project which would bring tremendous benefit and opportunity to the city.  Sad, sad, sad! 

   Without a doubt, QueenB VD and the Pet Rocks have connived to leave citizens short changed by refusing, once again, not to consider the astute advice of genuine professionals.

   Kudos to Putnam, Webb, Meagher and Danish.  Not only did these individuals weight the professional advice, but they recognized the potential ARK had brought to the table.  As previously stated in another report, this boutique hotel project was a Win-Win for the city and a No Brainer for an approval vote.

   Well, citizens did discover one thing this evening…Pet Rocks are No Brainers and the city Lost-Lost.
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