Sunday, March 27, 2011

BS #14: Giving Until It Hurts!

BlogSpasm #14...March 27, 2011


What does Billy Bob and mayor Gears have in common with Madonna?

ANSWER: They have poured millions of dollars into a financial sink hole.

The following blurb from the March 27, 2011, edition of the New York Post reflects the similarities between Madonna attempting to be charitable with disadvantaged kids and Gears and Billy Bob being charitable with themselves regarding the Entertainment Center project.

  • “Madonna and her Raising Malawi charity are considering legal action after the foundation they set up to build a school for impoverished girls dramatically collapsed despite millions having been poured into it.
  • The superstar's plan to build a $15 million school for 400 girls in the African nation has been abandoned after the organization plowed $3.8 million into architects, design and salaries but never broke ground."

The only difference between the two: With Billy Bob and Gears, Irving taxpayers are the impoverished folks.

................Mark Holbrook