Wednesday, June 29, 2011

BS #35: Pray for Enlightenment

BlogSpasm #35...June 28, 2011

Somehow, the staff of the CCR always wants to believe what a politico espouses. This is one of our cynical failings when it comes to our faith in the political processes.

During the time when politicos are campaigning, belief in their rhetoric is a yearning that transcends ideology. Along with faith, a healthy blessing of independent and balanced thinking looms high on our scale when measuring a candidate’s potential ability to represent all constituents.

The following item was noted in the Dallas Morning News (6-25-11) as it relates to newly elected councilman Dennis Webb. Needless to say, our political-tenet foundation was shaken.

As a council member, Webb said he hopes to help lead the city forward with the development projects that are already on the books.

(Note: projects referenced were DART, Entertainment Center and Heritage District)

Before leading his flock of constituents through the desert of political sand traps blindly, perhaps newly elected councilman Webb should be shocked that the staff of the CCR believes he apparently approaches his new duties with a somewhat closed mind. And we will temporarily suspend our fervent belief that obscene campaign contributions do, in fact, influence elected officials. (Billy Bob, et al gave Webb $10,000.)

Does newly elected councilman Webb fully understand all of the current pitfalls associated with the $250 million voodoo financed Entertainment Center project? The questions remain: Whose books is he going to rely on to make his decisions? Would these be Billy Bob’s books? Would these be the books where “unnamed city employees” allowed $4 million in questionable expenses to be approved? Would these be the books where Delbert McDougal has shown little progress...except in the area of increasing the city’s liability for his undertakings? The DART project is already on track and little needs to be done there.

Other than DART, the two major city projects (Entertainment Center and Heritage District) either need to be derailed or placed on a different track that doesn’t expose tax payers to mounting liabilities. Is newly elected councilman Webb being realistic with what he perceives voter’s actual desires were regarding these projects, or has he already joined the Kool-Aid sippers at the altar of special interest?

That’s what we truly believe. Amen.

……………..Mark Holbrook