Thursday, August 21, 2014

CCR/DW 08-21-14: City Budget

TO:  CCR Tweet-less:

Here’s what you recently missed by not following: 
Dylan Westie   @DylanWestie1  on Twit-er.

Watching city council budget retreat. Apparent QueenB has an agenda which is not included in presentation materials. Flying Harpies on alert!

Listening to QueenB babble her budget philosophy sounds like the University of Photo Ops must offer minor in business/budget administration.

A couple of the Pet Rocks discuss budget as if applying for a role in a sketch on SNL. Will they follow QueenB & help create financial havoc?

Can CCR brain tolerate the rest of session? Alcohol doesn’t ease pain of QueenB & Pet Rocks believing they know more than city administration!

PLEASE: Someone inform QueenB VD how rude it is to interrupt, talk over w/condescending remarks when a councilman w/opposing viewpoints is speaking!


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