Sunday, April 30, 2017

CCR 04-30-17 Flotsam and Facts

the   Controversial  Committee   Report
“We don’t raise sacred cows...we just butcher them.”

"Flotsam and Facts" 

   Just a bit of clean-up, dear readers, before ‘beautiful downtown Irving’ drastically changes as a result of the city council election next Saturday.

Update:  In the 04-23-17 CCR report, "Ethical Masking" was the topic.  The example of Flying Harpies/Crankies or Sugar Daddy supporters, for candidate Penã, possibly "masking" campaign funds — by funneling untraceable bucks to a sycophant shill for a Rambler ad -- was noted for an ad costing $800.

   A review of the 8th Day Report, of the Campaign Finance Report for Penã, reflects a Non-Monetary (In-Kind) Political Contribution of $1,010.63 for the 04-21-17 Rambler political ad.

   And yes, the individual, listed in the Rambler political ad disclaimer, is noted on the Campaign Finance Report as "paying" for the ad.  Fact or fiction?  

   Unknown to staff of the CCR at the time of preparing the report was that political "masks" were so expensive these days.

   What may be even more surprising is: Has this issue been addressed, discussed, or noted on the FaceBook venom page utilized by a small faction of QueenB VD and Penã sycophants?  Do you wonder why, or why not?

Final Notification:  Have You Voted?

   There are only two early voting days remaining (Monday and Tuesday) before the election on Saturday, May 6.  The three votes, of the CCR staff (Dylan, Mark and Mike), have been cast for the only candidate with the experience and ability to lead the city forward…Rick Stopfer.

   The time is ripe to move forward from the mismanagement, Red Meat TEA-carnivore babbling/fear mongering, and self-aggrandizing agenda of QueenB VD and her small band of venom spewing Flying Harpy/Cranky sycophants.  A vote for the avidly avowed acolyte of the queen, Penã, would only perpetuate the political dysfunction which has paralyzed the city for six years.

   And, dear readers, with what appears on the city’s horizon, Irving is poised to make a major splash in the area with the new Entertainment Center.  Reports of ticket sales and additional bookings are floating throughout the entire Dallas area.  Thanks, ARK!

   Irving deserves a proven leader to navigate the city to the greatness it once had.  This will only happen by electing Rick Stopfer as Mayor of Irving. 

   Irving does not deserve to be the brunt of a partisan political joke, even on a national scale, as witnessed under the QueenB VD reign.

………………………………….Mark Holbrook