Monday, February 27, 2012

ER #34: Shocking Results

City Hall Elevator Rumblings #34

Rider #1: Well, tax paying citizens didn’t fare well at the last council meeting. While most knew the non-binding referendum on the Entertainment Center wouldn’t pass, the council -- at least six of them -- unloaded a ton of fluffy spin in their attempt to placate the group. I guess most of the folks in the audience hadn’t figured the ‘secret seats’ these six council members sit in would actually determine the voting results.

Rider #2: What? Secret seats?! This is news to me. What type of secret seats do six members of the council have?

Rider #1: Keep this to yourself, but six members of the council have seats that have been specially wired by the Las Colinas Group. The seats are activated when the topic is the Entertainment Center. An electrical charge will zap the six council member's posteriors to ensure they are alert and on message with LCG needs. If they deviate from LCG talking points, then the voltage can be increased to regain their attention. At the same time, a special WiFi controls their lap top computers and the screens reflect the comments they should be making. Once a favorable vote has been taken on an LCG item, their lap tops note how much has been deposited into their campaign finance accounts, and they get a certificate for a congratulatory hug and two additional liters of Kool-Aid from ex-mayor Gears for a job well done.

Rider #2: Wow. Who knew. This explains everything. And all this time I thought it was the Kool-Aid that LCG provided that controlled all their actions.

Rider #1: No, the Kool-Aid is given before meetings or public appearances. The Kool-Aid has the addictive and sedative powers to keep their minds foggy to reality and actually understanding the financial pitfalls of the Entertainment Center. If you noticed at the non-binding referendum meeting, the six council members didn’t deviate from their talking points and never addressed the severe shortcomings of attempting to finance $170 million in bonds for the $250 million Entertainment Center.

Rider #2: Now that you mention it, all the pieces fall into place. This city is being run by six automatons addicted to mind numbing Kool-Aid and electrical shock. Is this how the city manager has managed to control the group when discussions are about McDougalville in the Heritage District?

Rider #1: No, he and the other members of the Lubbock Mafia just use Louisville slugger bats across council kneecaps to get their attention for what he wants. While not as clean or precise, the desired results are still achieved. And this ‘green’ method conserves energy!

A note from counsel: These “candid” elevator conversations have been injected with fabricated nouns, verbs, adjectives, conjunctions, adverbs, modifiers and maybe a few dangling participles….Mark Holbrook

Saturday, February 25, 2012

CCR 02-25-12: Woeful Profiles

the Controversial Committee Report

“We don’t raise sacred cows...we just butcher them.”

The city council meeting where the non-binding referendum for the Entertainment Center was discussed played out as staff of the CCR expected. The Doddering ½Dozen, true to form, voted 6 - 3 to kill the measure and was not fazed by the multitude of citizens appearing before them, or the rationale of the points they presented to have the council place the ordinance on the ballot. Of course, a large majority of these individuals probably did not contribute to the council campaigns of this group of six, so that could mitigate why the vote went as it did.

If the fans of the Doddering ½Dozen have anything to crow about this ‘win,’ it would be that only the politically naive believed this ordinance would pass. However, by defeating the ordinance, the general population is acutely aware of how unacceptable the current agreement and financial plan really is for the Entertainment Center.

Regardless, the meeting caused staff of the CCR to ponder what John F. Kennedy would write about this council session if he penned a sequel to his “Profiles in Courage” tome. His assessment of the Doddering ½Dozen could characterize them in a potential Irving bestseller titled “Profiles in Myopia.” How would the Doddering ½Dozen and Irving come across if the chapters featured:

Dennis Webb - Isn’t it amazing how the individuals who were smart enough to vote Webb into office are suddenly too dumb to understand anything about the Entertainment Center, or be informed enough to vote on a non-binding referendum. In the history of city council meetings, one would really have to search to find a council member who displayed a greater condescending, loud and arrogant attitude to audience members not in agreement with their position. His comments seemed to register a blatant tone of: How dare you question my words, understanding or position on this issue. I know what I'm doing, because I'm sitting here and you aren't. (Dale Carnegie he ain’t!)

Rose Cannaday - Once again, like a bad tape on a perpetual loop, she treated the audience to her LCG talking points: Grapevine Mills Mall, the Gaylord Texan Hotel and the 2,000 jobs drivel. Maybe one day, someone will inform her that the two businesses now in Grapevine had more to do with land use and zoning in Irving than a city partnership that would require double pledging HOT taxes or placing property tax payers on the hook for any future operating cost or debt service payments for the projects. More importantly, residents around these potential zoning cases were not amiable to the increased traffic congestion or invasion of their neighborhoods that could occur with these developments. (But then, what do residents really know or understand?) As far as the 2,000 jobs that would be created by the Entertainment Center, this is probably just another cotton candy-number contained in one of the LCG studies that includes all the other fluffy revenue projections for the center. (Would someone please freshen her Kool-Aid?)

Lewis Patrick - The consummate bureaucrat turned politico, he started sipping ex-mayor Gears‘ Kool-Aid brew early on and views anyone speaking against the Entertainment Center as being nutty, ill informed and just plain out to lunch. (If the lunch is free, be sure he is on the invite list, though.) And this is surprising when considering that one of his Aggie brothers-in-arms clearly demonstrated at a recent council meeting all the pitfalls and hazards to the city contained in the current financial agreement for the Entertainment Center. (How do you know if an Aggie doesn’t understand the financing concepts of the Entertainment Center? He takes another sip of his Kool-Aid.)

Roy Santoscoy - He may hold the distinction of having his political capital fall quicker -- after being elected -- than a Kim Kardashian marriage...which lasted 72 days. While campaigning, he assured folks he would serve with an open mind and had no specific agenda. Of course, this was before voters discovered that the LCG and the Firemen’s PAC had heavily spiked his campaign war chest and ex-mayor Gears and Charles Cotton might be coaching him as mentors or Kool-Aid providers. (Probably both.)

Michael Gallaway - Staff of the CCR once thought that councilman Philipp asked the most questions at any meeting of the council. Well, there may be a new contender to the throne. If the council materials are this difficult for Gallaway to comprehend, then perhaps tutoring sessions with city staff before the meetings would be in order. This would certainly shorten the meetings. And while being tutored, he should be counseled on the ill effects and addictive properties of sipping the Kool-Aid being poured for him by ex-mayor Gears.

Rick Stopfer - Sadly, any or perhaps all the good he may have accomplished during his never-ending encampment on the city council has boiled down to his shortsighted approach to doing what is best for Irving regarding the financing of the Entertainment Center. His close relationships with the north Irving ‘establishment’ and ties with ex-mayor Gears provides one with a jaundiced view of his soft-spoken pronouncements favoring the LCG’s ability to deliver on its contractual obligations. Admitting to maybe not knowing some of the more salient points of the LCG agreement also spoke loudly of why citizen’s perception of the council’s ability to protect their interest is sorely lacking.

Even if “Profiles in Myopia” is never published, one fact remains: Any misinformation the council perceives the general public might have about the financing of the Entertainment Center is derived from the council not addressing, discussing or leveling with the voters about the true nature and impact this $250 million project will have on property tax payers. Here are just a few of the current particulars and Las Colinas Group (LCG) contractual agreement provisions -- as they exist now -- that you do not hear the Doddering ½Dozen discuss, amend or shed light on.

  • To obtain ‘investment grade’ bonds to fund the project, the council will have to double pledge the HOT tax funds.
  • The council has already been informed by bond and financial consultants that to obtain $170 in bond funding they would have to double pledge HOT tax funds and have the tax payers on the hook for debt service obligations.
  • The council does not have to wait for the results of a bond review to know that HOT taxes will have to be double pledged and property tax payers on the hook for any shortfalls in ICVB, Arts Center and Museum budgets and debt service obligations.
  • The HOT tax funds are already pledged for the ICVB, Arts Center and Museum operations.
  • The LCG lease is for 100-years.
  • The LCG lease agreement does not provide for any rental escalation amounts to be paid to the city for 50-years.
  • The LCG and Fireman’s PAC contributed over $1 million to council campaigns in 2011.
  • The LCG has, time after time, missed contractual deadlines as established in their agreement with the city.
  • The LCG has yet to provide the city with the contractually required documentation that demonstrates their $80 million share of the project is now available.
  • The ill advised financing of the Entertainment Center could jeopardize the AAA bond rating that past councils worked diligently to achieve.
  • The financial requirements of the new convention center have already placed a burden on property tax payers and it is projected that this will remain the case for at least the next five years of its operation...even without the burden of an Entertainment Center or proposed hotel.
  • Having LCG establish timelines and prepare contract amendments to improve their position in the agreement does little to protect the tax paying public.
  • Funding the Entertainment Center, as currently noted, would not allow for any HOT taxes to be available for a proposed hotel on the site.
  • Restaurants not complying with the city’s 60/40 alcoholic beverage ordinance can not be shut down due to non-compliance.
  • The LCG is granted the right to develop 100 residential condominiums on city-leased property which would negate the payment of ad valorem taxes to the city.

While voters will not be able to vote on a non-binding referendum, they will be able to vote in the May election. And it is doubtful that the Entertainment Center financing boondoggle could be resolved before this council election. This is good.

There will be at least two new council members added after the election. One of these new members will fill the void left by the departure of one of the Doddering ½Dozen (Patrick).

The third council seat up for election features another of the Doddering ½Dozen (Stopfer) who is planning to run for re-election in an at-large seat. Since his spin and rationale for the Entertainment Center is not currently selling well with citizens, it will be interesting to see how it comes across during his campaign.

Voters should remember only one thing this election…myopia is a terrible thing to have when a council candidate is looking for voter support.

Ed. note: Sometimes, but not often, critics disagree with the reports issued by the CCR. That’s fine. However, staff of the CCR has found that the critics are usually upset over word choices used to describe situations or folks, rather than addressing the facts presented. As usual, the CCR will correct, if found, any factual misstatements presented. We regret to note that we cannot correct the genetics/absurdity of issues/people.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

ER #33: Dutch Treat

City Hall Elevator Rumblings #33

Rider #1: Do you know if ex-mayor Gears is Dutch?

Rider #2: I don’t have a clue. Why do you need to know?

Rider #1: Well, it seems as if there may be a break in the Entertainment Center dike and the Las Colinas Group is going to need their head cheerleader, ex-mayor Gears, to stick his finger in the crack to stop the leak. The letter the LCG sent the council this week stated that they were now willing to compromise on the some of the current terms of the original/amended/amended/amended lease agreement. Where have they been for the last three years?

Rider #2: Some compromise! They said the lease terms could be changed from 100-years to...wait for it -- 75-years. And they thought an escalation clause for the lease payments to the city could now be included. Funny, they still don’t seem to be too concerned about property tax payers being on the hook for potential operating or debt service cost.

Rider #1: What really needs to be done is for the city to scrap the entire lease agreement and have someone other than the LCG, the city attorney and administrative staff draw up a new contract. Someone who knows how to negotiate a contract -- for the benefit of the city, not the private developer -- should be hired. Maybe in a rewrite the citizens could be protected, equity between partners would be established and as a private business, the LCG would assume the risk of the venture.

Rider #2: I agree. The city really doesn’t need to be in the entertainment business or property tax payers opening their wallets when Entertainment Center revenue projections do not materialize. The council can’t even handle the redevelopment business with McDougal. And boy, the finger pointing by the city manager and others on this ‘sacred cow’ is already starting.

A note from counsel: These “candid” elevator conversations have been injected with fabricated nouns, verbs, adjectives, conjunctions, adverbs, modifiers and maybe a few dangling participles….Mark Holbrook

Saturday, February 18, 2012

ER #32: Makin' Bacon?

City Hall Elevator Rumblings #32

Rider #1: Ka-pow! Holy ballot box, Batman. You’ve shined the Batlight of Transparency on Irving’s Doddering ½Dozen council members. Now, they will have to actually vote on an ordinance that could allow the voters of the community to express their opinion on Billy Bob’s Boondoggle.

Rider #2: That’s right, Robin. With the Batlight shining, it will be easy for the citizens to see through the Doddering ½Dozen’s flimsy rationale, misinformation and all the other major financial hickeys they are attempting to foster and impose on the hard working, honest and cash strapped voters of Irving.

Rider #1: But Batman, don’t we already know that the Doddering ½Dozen will defeat the measure to put a non-binding referendum on the May ballot? And isn’t it true that they think they already know more than the average Joe Citizen? After all, they have disregarded the paid advice of the city’s bond and financial advisors as well as the city administration when it comes to financing the gloated shoat know as “EC” (Entertainment Center).

Rider #2: Yes, the Doddering ½Dozen will defeat the non-binding referendum probably by a 5-4 vote instead of 6-3 by allowing one of their members to cross over to the other side. This will give that individual some temporary ‘coverage’ when running for re-election. Of course, it will still be difficult for voters to disregard his three years of shoveling slop for “EC.”

Rider #1: Batman, we have to go to the Batmobile. The Chief just texted. It appears that Billy Bob has unleashed the Joker (ex-mayor Gears). The Joker was last seen leaving the coffee shop and heading to the DART train station. Rumor has it that he is going to attempt to steal an entire train car full of lipstick to adorn “EC” with. Is it possible that even that much lipstick could make “EC” look pretty?

Ed. Note: Tune in to the conclusion of this chapter of “EC the Property Tax Gobbling Shoat” on February 23, 2012, when the Doddering ½Dozen refuses to have “EC” made into bacon at voter’s behest.

DMN article:

A note from counsel: These “candid” elevator conversations have been injected with fabricated nouns, verbs, adjectives, conjunctions, adverbs, modifiers and maybe a few dangling participles….Mark Holbrook

Thursday, February 16, 2012

CCR 02-16-12: Dear Addict

the Controversial Committee Report

“We don’t raise sacred cows...we just butcher them.”

Letter mailed to: 825 W. Irving Blvd, Irving, TX, 75060, w/encl.

February 16, 2012

Dear Irving Council Members:

Rick Stopfer, Rose Cannaday, Michael Gallaway, Roy Santoscoy, Lewis Patrick, Dennis Webb

It has become painfully clear that your position and voting for the ill funded $250 million Entertainment Center is not going to be based on facts, protection of property tax payers or consideration for the financial future of the city. Otherwise, how could you not see, recognize or heed all of the demonstrably negative aspects and numbers related to this venture? How can you honestly defend the rationale for:

    • LCG having a 100-year lease for the EC venue.
    • LCG only paying the city $1 million/year with no escalation clause for rental increases for 50 years.
    • The city’s paid bond and financial consultants having stated that a $170 million bond package is very risky. The city administration has also agreed with this assessment.
    • HOT taxes being double pledged, thereby jeopardizing ICVB and Arts Center budgets.
    • Property tax payers already bailing out the Convention Center for several million dollars in debt service payments for their first year. And it is expected that this will be the case for at least five more years. LCG is not liable for any bonded debt the city would incur on the EC.
    • LCG has yet to submit the required documentation that demonstrates their $80 million share of the project is actually available.
    • LCG revenue projections that are significantly optimistic and verge on being pure fantasy.
    • The city’s AAA bond rating being compromised if ‘investment grade’ bonds are not issued.
    • Many other contractual factors in the agreement favoring LCG over the city’s and citizen’s interests.

Knowing that this letter -- much like all the citizens who have appeared before you -- will not change your opinion, the staff of the CCR will take the high road of this debate in consideration of your medicalization needs.

If during a future council session -- when the bonded debt will be voted on -- discussions venture into the early morning hours while you ponder how much to raise property taxes to fund Billy Bob’s Boondoggle, the enclosed packet of Kool-Aid should help you weather the physical cramps, shakes and twitches of your addiction. And be assured, our sympathy for addicts is only matched by our compassion to assist them when they require their daily fix.

After all, it wouldn’t be appropriate for ex-mayor Gears, Billy Bob, Charles Cotton, chamber of commerce members, ICVB board members, et al to be seen delivering your daily dose of Kool-Aid while you sit in council chambers anxiously waiting to press your ‘FOR’ button to strap tax paying citizens with the single most massive debt service burden in its history...a $250 million Entertainment Center.

Kindest personal regards,

Mark Holbrook

P.S. The staff of the CCR hopes Grape is one of your favorite Kool-Aid flavors.

Monday, February 13, 2012

ER #31: Detoxing the Afflicted

City Hall Elevator Rumblings #31

Rider #1: The Monday, one agenda item council meeting was really sad. What should have been a simple meeting to vote on an extension to Billy Bob’s commitment to secure his $80 million in funds for the $250 million Entertainment Center progressed into a ‘cat fight’ of epic proportions.

Rider #2: No joke! And it wasn’t pleasant seeing one of the council members storming out of their seat several times and loudly admonishing speakers at the dais. It got to the point that I thought paramedics would have to be called to take this council member to Parkland Hospital for Kool-Aid intervention and detox; and then, provide oxygen to another council member who seemed to be dozing while citizens were speaking.

Rider #1: I think we all knew that the vote was going to be 6-3 in favor of granting Billy Bob an extension. What I still cannot understand is how six members* continue to refuse to listen and hear the financial jeopardy they are placing the city in. The current contract with Billy Bob has more holes in it than a slice of Swiss cheese. And Billy Bob gets the cheese...the tax payers get the holes.

Rider #2: Really! The guy has a 100 year lease; doesn’t have an escalation clause included for rental increases for the first 50 years; is not liable for any bonded debt the city will incur; and many other contractual quirks that favor him as the ‘minority’ partner in the agreement.

Rider #1: Of course, if Billy Bob’s lawyers are responsible for drafting the agreement and the council is too infused with his addictive Kool-Aid to protect the city’s interest, this is what happens. And I could be wrong, but quoting Rudyard Kipling at the meeting to solve the financial quagmire six council members are forcing on the tax paying public just doesn’t seem to rectify the issue.

Rider #2: When the bond rating agency returns their results, the tipping point on this issue will be met. And from all appearances, the six Kool-Aid-addicted council members will not flinch from approving Billy Bob’s Boondoggle...maybe short of a DOJ investigation or an Occupy City Hall mob.

  • Six members who continue to support the Billy Bob Financial Charade are believed to be: Stopfer, Cannaday, Santoscoy, Gallaway, Webb and Patrick.

A note from counsel: These “candid” elevator conversations have been injected with fabricated nouns, verbs, adjectives, conjunctions, adverbs, modifiers and maybe a few dangling participles….Mark Holbrook

Saturday, February 11, 2012

IISD #15: 3-Card Montie

IISD Admin Lunchroom Chatter #15

Nosher #1: Is it true that the Floundering Five are hatching a ‘Hail Mary’ election sham to install a former board member from their group back on the IISD board of trustees by short circuiting voter’s senses? Wouldn’t this scheme basically maintain the status quo and rubber stamping by the Floundering Five?

Nosher #2: Well, we will know in a few days. If everything pans out as rumored and probably being conspired, you could see Nancy Jones filing to run against Valerie Jones who has already filed. Voters would think that they would have a choice for filling this board seat. Then, at the last minute for filing, Valerie Jones would remove her name from the list and ballot. Because of the timing and deadline, a third party couldn’t enter the fray. Then, Nancy Jones walks in unopposed.

Nosher #1: What if a third party should enter the race early on?

Nosher #2: While that might complicate this devious little plot, the Floundering Five are prepared to unleash all their tired and trite ‘it’s for the kids’ rhetoric and implement a full-court press of support for Nancy Jones. It seems that the one thing the Floundering Five do not want to see in this upcoming board election is change and accountability. Okay, that was two things.

Nosher #1: I’m afraid to think about what this group would consider next! Whatever it is, you can bet that the ‘kids’ are not part of the equation.

A note from counsel: These “candid” lunchroom conversations have been injected with fabricated nouns, verbs, adjectives, conjunctions, adverbs, modifiers and maybe a few dangling participles. Mark Holbrook

Thursday, February 9, 2012

ZAP! #77: Suffer the Tax Payers?

ZAP! #77

"We have accomplished so much, but there is still much to do," Jones said in a news release. "This is no time to change course.” Valerie Jones, DMN, February 6, 2012

IISD Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance at August 31, 2011

Total Revenue = $349,755,661; Total Expenses = $417,134,330; Total Deficiency of Revenues Under Expenditures = <$67,378,669> DMN, February 9, 2012

Does Valerie Jones really want Irving voters to re-elect her so she can continue to do more for the “kids” like the above figures reflect? Maybe the kids don’t understand what these figures mean, but staff of the CCR believes that their parents will.

And speaking of taxes, staff of the CCR did a quick check on their latest tax statement and determined that over 65% of their TOTAL tax bill went to the IISD for operations. Now that is a real chunk of change snatched from you billfold.

Park your thoughts about the money flowing out of your personal budget for a minute and consider a few of the other recent accomplishments during Jones’ term in office. While there are many, the following should assist in determining that now really is the time to change course, chart a new direction and provide for Jones’ election-retirement:

  • Led the IISD charge to kill the Kroger grocery store zoning case that was being considered by the Irving city council. The zoning had been approved by the city administration. (Note: This really was not a school district issue.)
  • Extended the superintendent’s contract to 2016 after he had been on the job for only eight months.
  • Approved $42,000 for remodeling the superintendent’s office suite.
  • Approved $150,000 to remodel the lobby of the administration building.
  • Approved around $117,000+ for the controversial “skin” study that produced inflammatory results and questionable conclusions about a ‘race war’ in the district’s middle schools.
  • Apparent rationale for IISD single member districts was she didn’t believe voters could ever elect a minority to the board considering the results of the last election. (IISD Meeting, January 12, 2012. Note: Has she forgotten the minorities previously elected by district voters in the at-large system? Does she believe that Irving voters are really that shallow or biased?)
  • Doesn’t appear to play nice with the two new board members elected by the voters of the district.

As you begin to hear board candidates espouse why you should elect or re-elect them to the ISD Board of Trustees, stop and think...does this individual really understand that tax payers deserve as much or even more consideration than all the fluffy, expensive, or non-basic programs and administrative reorganizations offered as being for the “kids?”

Remember, without the tax payers, the “kids” have nothing!

……………...Mark Holbrook

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

ER #30: A Glass Half-Empty

City Hall Elevator Rumblings #30

Rider #1: Today’s council work session will be legendary! The Kool-Aid is flowing freely and all the addicted council members are as high as a Billy Bob campaign contribution. With the Entertainment Center review today, the council might be staggering over a potential financial disaster should they go forward with a $211 million bond package offering.

Rider #2: Well, this is what happens when objectivity, common sense and sound decision making is thrown out the window in favor of creating a pecuniary Ponzi scheme designed to accommodate special interest groups. How did the Entertainment Center project get so far off track?

Rider #1: That’s Billy Bob really doesn’t have or want to spend his and the city council has a deep ‘greenback-well’...the tax payer’s wallet. These factors make for a genuine Las Vegas drive-through wedding. Is it possible that a majority of the council doesn’t understand the financial burden they are attempting to strap on the city? Maybe the better question would be: Do they really care?

Rider #2: Whether they understand or not, it is extremely difficult to change the mindset of a group of Kool-Aid addicts. And Billy Bob and his head cheerleader, ex-mayor Gears, have ensured that a majority of the council will always have free shots of Kool-Aid if his ‘palace’ with the 100-year lease and no bonded debt liability is built.

Rider #1: How sad! I hope we can get out of this meeting early. I’m really growing weary of hearing all the rah-rah pablum being spewed by a particular Kool-Aid-addicted council member who doesn’t realize that most of the 2,000 jobs purported to be created by this project would be waiters and event ticket takers! That’s really some economic development to crow about while strapping city tax payers with $211 million in bonded debt!

A note from counsel: These “candid” elevator conversations have been injected with fabricated nouns, verbs, adjectives, conjunctions, adverbs, modifiers and maybe a few dangling participles….Mark Holbrook

Monday, February 6, 2012

IISD #14: Spring House Cleaning?

IISD Admin Lunchroom Chatter #14

Nosher #1: Well, the filing for board positions has started. It will really be interesting to see who files and if all the clamor about Hispanic representation brings out any candidates. Do you think all the single member district brouhaha will have any bearing?

Nosher #2: Probably not. Hopefully, candidates with good business sense will file and run. After listening to one board member reflect on what she said constituted a good board candidate, this assessment only reinforces what many consider to be wrong with the makeup of the current board.

Nosher #1: I know what you mean. Going to PTA meetings, making cup cakes for school functions and being on a committee that never sees the district follow through on their recommendations doesn’t actually make a good board member. Also, having board members who are too timid to ask pertinent questions or challenge weak assumptions the Super might make breeds a board member very feeble and easily controlled.

Nosher #2: I agree. When you look at some of the decisions from the current Floundering Five, the community has really been shortchanged by their representation. If we are lucky, voters will not re-elect any incumbent or former board member this year. It’s time for the ‘rubber stamp’ board members to consider retirement.

Nosher #1: We can only hope. Maybe this is the year voters will actually wake up...especially, when they pay their taxes and realize that over 65% of their total tax bill goes for school district operations. That’s a real chunk of change from anyones wallet.

A note from counsel: These “candid” lunchroom conversations have been injected with fabricated nouns, verbs, adjectives, conjunctions, adverbs, modifiers and maybe a few dangling participles. Mark Holbrook

Sunday, February 5, 2012

CCR 02-05-12: Selling Their Souls

the Controversial Committee Report

“We don’t raise sacred cows...we just butcher them.”

Folks, this Entertainment Center fiasco has gotten even more serious. After spending $150,000 to obtain a second opinion from a bonding agency on the feasibility to commit $170 million in bonds for an Entertainment Center, the council is awaiting what Standard and Poors will report in March.

However, a report prepared by the city’s current bond consultant will be discussed at the February 8, 2012 council work session. This report will inform the council what they should already know…the financing of the Entertainment Center would now require a $211 million bond package. The proposal to finance $211 million has two probable options: raising taxes outright or placing the tax payers in line to absorb bonded debt shortfalls if the entire city debt should be re-financed. Here’s how the options play out:

  1. If the council automatically increases the property tax rate about 8.5 cents, then this might cover all the anticipated bonded debt cost for the Entertainment Center.
  2. If the tax rate isn’t increased, then council will double pledge all the HOT tax revenues -- which would place the ICVB and Arts Center budgets in peril -- and also place property tax payers on the hook for these budgets and additional bonded debt expenses that might be incurred.

Remember the days when the city council was parroting that the entire city portion of the Entertainment Center project was just going to be $150 million? Why, even staff of the CCR fell for this one! Foolish us.

Even if the council decides to move forward to approve $211 million in bonded debt as noted above, they do not know what this action will do to the city’s bond rating. A report from Standard and Poors should detail this February 22, 2012. The city’s AAA bond rating, from all initial considerations, could be in jeopardy if $211 million is financed. This has previously been noted and discussed with the council. Sadly, having a lower city bond rating might not seem to bother most of the Doddering ½Dozen.*

What hasn’t changed with this new information is the zeal, promotion and spin by those -- without any ‘skin’ in the game -- who have been expressing and spreading fluffy rhetoric around the community. New batches of Kool-Aid are being brewed and the promoters are attempting to make even more unsuspecting citizens addicts by promoting this financially dangerous shell game proposal.

What will it take for the Doddering ½Dozen on the city council to understand this simple concept...the city cannot afford to commit $211 million for bonded debt by increasing taxes or placing the tax payers on the hook when projected revenues go south? Is this really that difficult to understand for those elected to serve the best interest of the citizens? But wait...staff of the CCR forgot that the Doddering ½Dozen are representing the special interest group segments of the community that stand to gain financially if the $211 million pecuniary Ponzi scheme materializes.

Isn’t it also strange that the council only appears to be listening to: the developers (who stand to gain financially from the project) who contributed over $1 million in campaign contributions to council members; the chamber of commerce (a non-profit organization that receives $1.6 million of your city tax funds); an ex-mayor (who not only received the largest amount of campaign contributions from developers, but seemed to have 2½ years of veracity issues during his final term); a city manager who seems very reluctant to speak up for property tax payers in order to protect his 5-vote count for performance reviews; and finally, many council-appointed board members who continue to sip the Kool-Aid to go get along?

Additionally, it is still not known for sure -- at this writing -- if Billy Bob can actually garner his $80 million requirement by providing the documents as specified in the contractual agreement with the city. With his 99-year lease on the project at hand, he appears to be waiting to see if the council will succumb to his bidding while he has his minions distributing his toxic brand of financial Kool-Aid throughout the city.

It appears that the council is moving to have a final vote on this $211 million financial monstrosity on or after their March 22, 2012 meeting! And if you don’t recall, past and present council members have continuously assured voters that citizens would not bear the brunt of any expenses associated with the Convention Center or Entertainment Center. But then, their lips were moving, and we all know what that means when slimy politicians moves their lips!

With all of this bad news about the Entertainment Center, the council is still toying with the idea of having a hotel on the Convention Center and Entertainment Center site. This item will also be discussed at their February 8, 2012 work session meeting.

If the city plans to be a ‘partner’ in this project, then expect your tax rate to increase even higher. There is no demonstrable proof where a city in the ‘hotel business’ has ever made a profit or broken even when in a ‘partnership’ agreement of this nature with developers. Tax payers always have to pick up the expense/debt shortfalls. Should the council proceed, then there could be three entities that will be draining your wallet of tax bucks: the Convention Center, Entertainment Center and a Hotel.

Staff of the CCR will state it again. If the Doddering ½Dozen moves to vote and commit the city to $211 million in bonded debt anticipated to be on or after March 22, 2012, then there will be little or nothing that can be done once they pull this trigger (with the barrel of the gun pointed at you) on what certainly should be considered fiscal malfeasance.

But then, some members of the council are not running for re-election in the current cycle and others feel that time will erase voter’s memories should they decide to run again in a future election.

Before the council commits to bonded debt that can be ill afforded, readers of the CCR should express their thoughts and opinions to those who are about to make this decision. Remember, if you are not part of the solution to stop this fiscal train wreck, then you will be left at the station with empty pockets and a higher tax rate.

Your elected representatives can be reached as follows. Advise them NOW that you are paying attention and fully understand the financial quagmire that they are creating with YOUR money. And it wouldn’t hurt to send or copy this report for friends and associates.

Irving City Council

(e-mail, phone numbers, place and year term expires) 972-898-7500 Beth Van Duyne Mayor 2014 214-693-0093 Joe Philipp Place 8 2012 972-790-6478 Lewis Patrick Place 4 2012 972-871-0019 Rose Cannaday Place 5 2014 972-586-1490 Michael GallawayPlace 1 2013 214-876-7172 Rick Stopher Place 6 2012 214-929-6700 Roy Santoscoy Place 2 2013 214-490-9749 Dennis Webb Place 3 2014 972-554-1810 Gerald Farris Place 7 2013

If citizens do not take immediate action by writing or calling council members, then Irving could soon lead the area in property tax rate hikes. And the entire thanks should be given to the Doddering ½Dozen who have catered to developers, special interest groups and Billy Bob’s head cheerleader, ex-mayor Gears who looks the part with his pleated mini-skirt and pom-poms.

  • Doddering ½Dozen believed to be: council members Stopfer, Cannaday, Santoscoy, Gallaway, Webb and Patrick.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

BS #57: Beads and Long Hair

BlogSpasm #57

Van Duyne takes aim at city spending, but promotes unity during State of City

Brandon Formby / DMN Reporter 4:26 PM on Wed., Feb. 1, 2012

“Van Duyne closed her speech by inviting her eight colleagues on stage where they took a simultaneous bow.”

CCR sez:

And the group -- holding hands -- immediately broke out into a nine-part harmony rendition of Kumbaya while dancing around and throwing flower petals on scale models of Billy Bob’s Entertainment Center and McDougal’s Heritage Crossing project. The Age of Aquarius lives.

…………..Mark Holbrook