Sunday, February 28, 2016

CCR 02-28-16 Leap On This

the   Controversial  Committee   Report
“We don’t raise sacred cows...we just butcher them.”

"Leap On This"

   As this is a leap year, February 29, 2016, may be another memorable day tomorrow when the El Paso city council continues their review in the investigation of city manager Tommy Gonzalez.  The only difference between the El Paso city council and the Irving city council is El Paso was astute enough to challenge and investigate the Gonzalez approach to city management…rather, mismanagement might be a better term for his tenure.  
   If only Irving had had the council leadership to  follow suit, then the city would not have been left holding the bag for the McDougal Heritage District fiasco, cronyism with apportionment of economic development funds, midnight destruction and removal of city pools, low staff morale with changes in operations which are still plaguing the city today, and who knows what else might have been uncovered.
   Instead, the Irving city council fell into the abyss of believing the Baldridge Award and 6-Sigma were the same as effective city management.  
   The following is the editorial regarding the current Gonzalez affair.  The link to a previous article which details the Fischer report is also noted below.
   As the e-mail addresses for the El Paso city council members are included in the editorial, you might want to share one of your memorable experiences during the Tommy Gonzalez Irving reign.  After all, sharing is caring! 
………………………………………………Mark Holbrook

Editorial: El Pasoans, speak up on city government
February 27, 2016

It’s up to the people of El Paso to decide if they are getting the quality of municipal government they want. A report by an outside investigator reinforces questions about the performance of city government, particularly City Manager Tommy Gonzalez.
El Pasoans should reach out to the mayor and City Council to share their views on the current state of city government.

The El Paso Times editorial board has made its position clear: Gonzalez is not an effective city manager, and needs to go. The report prepared by Austin attorney Ross Fischer enhances that belief.

The best that can be said for Gonzalez is that Fischer found that he didn’t violate many city policies when he made an ill-informed and unjustified decision to try to replace the city’s financial adviser.

That Gonzalez may have largely complied with policies is of little consolation. The fact that the city manager led a series of bad decisions while following policy is reason to review the policy, not absolve the city manager.

The effort, which originated with city Rep. Larry Romero, ended when the city attorney raised questons as the city was on the verge of awarding a contract to a company that Romero used to work for. Fischer’s report says the CEO of that company, Noe Hinojosa, called Romero in July 2015 to inquire about the progress of the contract award – a serious violation of a city anti-corruption policy that prohibits contact between bidders and City Council members while a bid is being considered.
Fischer’s report said Gonzalez may have violated purchasing rules by asking for a three-week bid window, short of the city’s four-week requirement.

Fischer also raised serious questions about Gonzalez’s financial disclosures that must be addressed.

Other issues surrounding Gonzalez, including changes in a City Council-approved street resurfacing plan and his decision to install speed humps in front of Cathedral High School in violation of city policy, are being addressed in a separate investigation by the city’s Ethics Review Commission.

City Council plans another meeting Monday to discuss its response to Fischer’s findings and recommendations. They need to hear from their constituents on these matters.

Mayor Oscar Leeser: 915-212-0021,
District 1 Rep. Peter Svarzbein: 915-212-0001,
District 3 Rep. Emma Acosta: 915-212-0003,
District 4 Rep. Carl Robinson: 915-212-0004,
District 5 Rep. Michiel Noe: 915-212-0005,
District 6 Rep. Claudia Ordaz: 915-212-0006,
District 7 Rep. Lily Limon: 915-212-0007,
District 8 Rep. Cortney Niland: 915-212-0008,

This is the second of a three-part editorial series on a 
by the city to investigate several ethics-related issues in El Paso
municipal government. (CCR Note: The report noted in this link is 193 pp.)

Additional Reference: El Paso Times

Sunday, February 21, 2016

CCR 02-21-16 Chuckles Brigade

the   Controversial  Committee   Report
“We don’t raise sacred cows...we just butcher them.”

(This report was not sent to the entire CCR mailing list.)

TO: Chuckless Brigade

What a busy week for Dylan Westie on his twit-er account!

QueenB VD is slammed by two major publications (DMN and Esquire magazine) regarding her Islamophobia and self-aggrandizement…including reports of BBC-TV (that’s in England for low information followers) personnel in town to cover this same topic.

Couple all this with: The filing deadline for Irving city council races; and the circus on the national political scene preparing for a Texas primary debut.  All this is causing paw-itis for Dylan.  

For those not following him on Twitter, here’s Dylan’s take:

Dylan Westie @DylanWestie1 Feb 16
QueenB VD Pet Rock wannabe,Loren Byers, files for council election & guess what? He’s OK w/"Dark Money" campaign funds. Utterly disgusting!

Dylan Westie @DylanWestie1 Feb 16
3/2016 Esquire: QueenB VDs Islamophobia, fear-mongering & facts fabrication featured in national magazine. Irving suffers, she gloats!

Dylan Westie @DylanWestie1 Feb 19
Noticed when the truth slaps QueenB VD & followers across face they suddenly go mute & don’t respond? Explained @ 

Dylan Westie @DylanWestie1 Feb 19
Brit tea imported in city w/BBC TV talking to folks about seeds Islamophobia planted & nurtured by QueenB VD & her followers. Another lump?!

Dylan Westie @DylanWestie1 Feb 20
Upcoming Irving city council election will feature potential Pet Rocks, Clowns and genuine candidates. Details at 

Dylan Westie @DylanWestie1 Feb 21
Political justice, finally? Even majority of S Carolina evangelicals cannot stomach Ted "Lizard Grin" Cruz. New ‘awakening’ in the making?

…………………………………Mark Holbrook

Saturday, February 20, 2016

CCR 02-20-16 Of Rocks and Clowns

the   Controversial  Committee   Report
“We don’t raise sacred cows...we just butcher them.”

"Of Rocks and Clowns"

    Here is the unofficial/official candidate filings for the May 7, 2016 city council election

Place 1:  John Danish vs. Loren Byers

Place 2:  (at large) Allan Meagher  vs. Tom Spink (No, that’s not a typo!) and Shamima Mondal

Place 7:  Kyle Taylor  vs.  Emanuel Lewis

(Note: Those identified in bold print will be supported by staff of the CCR.)

   If you considered the national political scene to be a voter’s circus in the making, then stay tuned for the upcoming Irving City council election.

 While later reports will go into greater detail concerning the upcoming election and candidates, one has to chuckle now when noting the candidates QueenB VD and her "Dark Money" hustlers will need to spend bucks on to support increasing her pile of Pet Rocks on the council.

   Without Pet Rocks in place, QueenB VD cannot fulfill her self-indulgent personal agenda.

   With Pet Rock Farris leaving her fold by not running for re-election, this only leaves her always present and shamefully obedient Pet Rock-in-Charge, Brad LaMorgese, requiring company. 

   Of course, QueenB VD can often count on Oscar Ward to perform his wishy-washy and pabulum-enriched Pet Rock-rhetoric to vote as the queen dictates when placed under pressure.

   This voting skullduggery was noted at a recent council meeting when Ward’s voting veered 180° from his assurances to an individual that he would vote for his placement on the Planning and Zoning commission.  However, the queen didn’t want Ward to vote for this individual and Ward certainly didn’t want her wrath and that of her "Dark Money" handlers to rain down on his head.
   (Forget doing what is right, or in the best of the city!)

   Staff of the CCR is sure you noticed Tom Spink has crawled out of the political rubbish he created to once again run for city council.  Will this be the time he fully explains his past resumé fabrications…hoping this will allow him to return to the council and serve the queen again as a Pet Rock?  
   (Can someone who fabricated facts be trusted if they only offer a fluffy political mea culpa? Also, maybe Spink should add another line to his non-catchy politico logo.  What about: "Think Spink, Think Stink?")

   Get ready folks.  The "Dark Money" VW clown car is being loaded, funds are flush, contributors are secret, and total expenditures will be unknown.  And this is exactly how QueenB VD and her handlers like to buy elections and Pet Rocks to protect her "Dark Money" hustlers, single source developers, special interest groups and cronies.

   Advanced Election Alert: Do not support or vote  for any candidate wearing a ‘red nose.’  Staff of the CCR can confirm the council candidates noted above in bold print have already passed this red noses.
   Besides, those candidates would not take a ride offered by a stranger in a VW clown car.

……………………………………Mark Holbrook

Friday, February 19, 2016

CCR 02-19-16 Articles of Truth

the   Controversial  Committee   Report
“We don’t raise sacred cows...we just butcher them.”

"Articles of Truth"

   This has been a glorious spectacular  depressing week for QueenB VD.  And an even sadder week for the city of Irving.

   While always seeking her next photo op or press coverage for her self-aggrandizing agenda, the old adage of the "chickens coming home to roost" actually landed this week in her royal courtyard…again.  

   And QueenB VD, being the self-anointed champion of Red Meat TEA-carnivores in Irving, just doesn’t like poultry on her plate of faux achievements.

   For instance, the queen was noted, referenced and again called to task in articles by well respected publications.  Not only did the articles note the fallacy of her previous pronouncements resulting from pushing the State HB562 resolution through the city council, but also her facts fabrication while on the Red Meat TEA-carnivore speaking tour.

   (One has to believe Morris Parrish is in a celestial sphere, giving high fives to outstanding mayors like Bob Pierce and Bob Power, for being replaced on the ‘Worst Irving Mayor Possible’ (WIMP)* totem pole by QueenB VD.  This move now places Parrish, perhaps, behind Bobby Joe Raper.)

   Read the following with sadness, as our beloved city has swirled further into the porcelain latrine during the reign of the queen.  Certainly, go to the referenced links for full detail and verification of the facts noted herein. 

Dallas Morning News 
February 17, 2016

   The gist of the referenced article is how individuals have been responsible for the rise of hate groups in Texas.  Of course, Irving has become a major player in this effort by creating divisiveness and fear-mongering via the passage of the irresponsible council resolution for State HB 562.  This was the tipping point which later led to the ‘clock kid’ incident.  And these two incidents firmly planted Irving in the garden, on the world stage, of ridicule.  

   Those two events also showcased Irving as a spotlight beacon of ignorance and intolerance never before witnessed in the city.  (The CDC -- Center for Disease Control -- even offered to inoculate all citizens for the viral effect this political publicity has had on the city.)

   While the link to the entire article is noted below, here are two of the more significant items QueenB VD, her flock of Flying Harpies and sycophant FaceBook bloggers just will not understand, accept or acknowledge as being the root cause of Irving being viewed with disdain, contempt and scorn by rational thinking individuals. 

"It pointed to Van Duyne’s suggestion that an Islamic tribunal for civil disputes was a covert attempt to impose Shariah law, though other faiths use similar tribunals. Van Duyne asked the rest of the City Council to endorse a state bill that would have banned the use of foreign laws in state criminal courts — something that is already illegal."

   If you recall, the vote was 5-4 with QueenB VD leading her Pet Rocks (Farris, LaMorgese, Spink and Ward) to pass the resolution which was also being sponsored and pimped by State representatives and Red Meat TEA-carnivores Rodney "Bogus-gate Complaint" Anderson and Matt "Squeaky" Rinaldi.

   Of course, Pet Rock Farris had to weigh in on the article…as one of the council members who voted in favor of the resolution.  His brilliant spouting was actually one of the leftover and untrue talking points QueenB VD had provided.

"Council member Gerald Farris, who endorsed the bill, said he was voting to uphold the Constitution and nothing more." 

   Really?  If the filament in Pet Rock Farris’ bulb hadn’t burned out, he might have had an idea and asked/answered the following question before blabbering such an inane response: If the US Constitution was under attack or needing upholding, could you name one other Texas city or city council which agreed with this premise and voted a similar resolution in support of State HB 562?
   (crickets chirping)

ESQUIRE Magazine
March, 2016

   When a national magazine titles an article "The Muslims of Irving," one just has to figure the city leadership is not going to be portrayed in a positive light.  And this was certainly true with the Esquire article recently published.

   The article goes into great detail on how the city, under the pseudo-leadership of QueenB VD, is again on the national stage demonstrating how a petulant and arrogant mayor can ruin the reputation of a fine city.

   Detailing the actions taken by QueenB VD and her Pet Rocks, the Esquire article notes the bigoted gun toting clowns (Bureau of American Islamic Relations) prancing around religious institutions in the city along with an interview of their leader.  The individual interviewed cites the primary reason for being in Irving was due to the mayor’s fear-mongering blathering on State HB 562 during passage of the council resolution.

   Of course, the possibility of the Texas Rebel Knights of the KKK visiting the city is still real.  They, too, are on the queen’s bandwagon of spreading hate and discontent in the city.

   What seems to be remarkable, with all of the divisiveness created in Irving over the facts fabrications by the mayor, not one of these groups, individuals, Pet Rocks, sycophant FaceBook blogger, Red Meat TEA-carnivores, Glenn "Tin Foil Hat Revolution" Beck, Flying Harpy, or QueenB VD has identified, named or documented any terrorist in our midst.  

   When comparing the queen’s record on quashing terrorist with the FBI, NSA, CIA and other spook shops, her performance is dismal and akin to her other self-interest achievements…unless one counts photo ops or news coverage.  (She does receive high marks on those two items as long as one spells her name correctly in any article published.)

   However, QueenB VD and her followers do have high marks for dispensing loads of Islamophobia.

   Noteworthy items from the ESQUIRE article:

   "Here in Texas, you are more likely to die from a blotched plastic surgery than at the hands of a terrorist, but the open-carry crowd is not lining up in front of the fancy office in Highland Park."

"Just ask Irving mayor Beth Van Duyne, who was so certain that the mosque here had instituted the first "sharia court" in America that she passed a bill through her city council last year to ban any legal authority in her town that wasn’t American."

"And in fact, most churches and synagogues have similar conflict-resolution groups.  Most do not attract armed protests.  But thanks to mayor Van Duyne, non-binding arbitration is now against the law in Irving, Texas."

"Wright (Bureau of American Islamic Relations protest group) explains how he’s not stopping them from practicing their religion.  And of course that’s true — he’s just making them fear for their lives." 

ESQUIRE article "The Muslims of Irving" link:

Good News Item:  The city recently hosted the annual banquet for those serving on boards and commissions.  The event was held at the convention center.  This fete is to recognize the considerable time and effort expended by ordinary citizens who serve to make Irving a remarkable city.  And through those efforts, great strides are being made which has little or nothing to do with the current turbulent, political climate.
Sad News Item:  Finally, the recent rash of negative publicity this week must have tossed QueenB VD into a catatonic state.  She was a no show for the city’s annual banquet for members of boards and commissions.  Some wonder if she was hiding in the deep recesses of a dank Flying Harpy cave, or maybe ‘chicken, not Red Meat,’ was actually on the menu.  
   Who knows?  
   How much "Dark Money" might be spent with the queen’s high priced Dallas PR flack to spin a tale of "pressing matters" which prevented her appearance?  (It should be noted, prior mayors took great pride in attending this function as it gave them a chance to personally thank a dedicated group of citizens for their service to Irving.)

   At any rate, an opportunity was missed, by the city and event planners, to request having the QueenB VD Photo Op Doppelgänger (see 2-11-16 CCR report) as a stand-in for the boards and commissions program…in lieu of the queen.  (Maybe next year if the queen is still ‘pressing matters.’)

……………………………..Mark Holbrook

*    This creative acronym was crafted by a reader of the CCR reports and lifted without permission.  Mea Culpa!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

CCR 02-14-16 A Chuckles Mailing

the   Controversial  Committee   Report
“We don’t raise sacred cows...we just butcher them.”

"A Chuckles Mailing"

   One just never knows!  Since mailing the 02-11-15 CCR report, "Mopping Up Publicity," featuring the new QueenB VD Photo Op Doppelgänger©, request have been pouring in to use this amazing mayor-on-a-stick for pics everywhere.

   And it appears the primary reason for so many requests is due to QueenB VD being ultra selective in where she wants to have her pic snapped.  Not every event can match or meet her qualifications for a photo op or YouTube filming session.  (After all, she is the queen...isn't she?)

   Staff of the CCR has been working overtime to produce several more doppelgängers to meet the high demand of requests.  Demand seems to be outstripping even the number of photo op sessions QueenB VD has actually made this past month.

   The CCR contracted with Pics-R-Us to deliver and pick up the doppelgänger for your photo op events which saves you tremendous time and effort.  This speedy deliver system also works best when QueenB VD has agreed to attend or participate in your event, but fails to show.  

   Why, the CCR, with Pics-R-Us, can even beat Domino’s® pizza rapid delivery time by having a mayor-on-a-stick at your event within ten minutes.

   The QueenB VD Photo Op Doppelgänger is ideal for: 
Birthday parties; bar/bat mitzvahs; house warming; brit milch; 50th wedding anniversaries; Quinceañera celebrations; purchase of a new car; new job/promotion; wakes; quilting bees; feral cat neutering; Confirmations; birth of puppies; ground breaking; MLK Day parade; ribbon cuttings; dental implants; last rites; hospital visits; weekend conference travels; new roadway openings; Dollar Store expansions; smoke-filled room meetings; final divorce decree; or any event which the queen might deem to be below her exalted status.    

   It should be noted, the CCR doppelgänger will not be available for any Red Meat TEA-carnivore gatherings.  

   Simply stated, staff of the CCR takes pride in their doppelgänger by not participating in events which are divisive, create hate and discontent, or further fear-mongering to gain notoriety.

   You’ll not see the CCR doppelgänger at a Ted "Lizard Grin" Cruz rally, or a Glenn Beck Tin Foil Hat Revolution program where facts are fabricated, misinformation spouted, and self-aggrandizing and pious utterances are blabbed.  

   What users of the CCRs QueenB VD Photo Op Doppelgänger have told us is: "The beauty of having pics made in this manner is that it eliminates having to listen to the queen babble political rubbish and spout her self-interest concerns."

    Don’t wait!  Book your QueenB VD Photo Op Doppelgänger today.  

………………………….Mark Holbrook

NOTE:  The QueenB VD Photo Op Doppelgänger is not endorsed by "Dark Money" hustlers and contributors, special interest groups, single source developers, or cronies sucking Economic Development tax funds from the city for private business interests or developments. 

Thursday, February 11, 2016

CCR 02-11-16 Mopping Up Publicity

the   Controversial  Committee   Report
“We don’t raise sacred cows...we just butcher them.”

   What do you do when QueenB VD just doesn’t plan to schedule an appearance at your momentous groundbreaking or ribbon cutting?  

   Does her Red Meat TEA-carnivore blathering-tour interfere with mayoral functions which often leave new and vibrant businesses hanging?  

   Is having a Pet Rock subbing, in her place, just not the same as having the queen make a photo op appearance?

   Staff of the CCR apologizes for not having this problem resolved and available for the original groundbreaking of the ARK Entertainment Center development.  As you know, QueenB VD had "pressing matters" which prevented her from being present at this wondrous event. 
("Pressing matters"…snicker…sure…even after accepting the invite?)  

   However, there will not be any missed queenly photo ops in the future for a ground breaking, or ribbon cutting in Irving during the remaining days of QueenB VDs reign.

   Now, staff of the CCR offers a unique solution to your problem of documenting your official groundbreaking, or ribbon cutting.  You can remember the occasion, with plenty of queenly photo ops…as if QueenB VD was actually there!

Introducing the:

QueenB VD Photo Op Doppelgänger

   And there is no charge for selfies with the mayor-on-a-stick pics.  Normal charges for all selfies with the ‘real’ QueenB VD can run as high as $29.95 each…especially, when she is on the set of the Glenn Beck Tin Foil Hat Revolution program.

   Remember, all proceeds from QueenB VDs photo ops go to support an unworthy and secretive Irving slush-fund cause…"Dark Money" to elect Pet Rocks and Red Meat TEA-carnivore sycophants.

……………………………..Mark Holbrook 

Ed. Note:  For the record, not all weird concepts or ideas emanate from the sparsely populated cranial compartments of CCR staff members.  The above suggests a classic example.